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Messaging for Your Marketing Content: Features vs. Benefits

Copywriting & Content

Crafting enticing and remarkable marketing copy that your audience can relate to is necessary for digital marketing success. 

One thing to consider while forming your marketing content is understanding the difference between features and benefits. To effectively communicate the value of your product or service, it’s vital to understand the difference between the two.

What is the Difference between Features & Benefits? 

Highlighting benefits in your marketing copy is essential for selling a product or service as they are what persuade customers to make a purchase. Features describe the products and services capabilities and how it stands out from rival products, whereas benefits explain how those features will positively affect the customer and offer a solution to their problems—this is the main goal of marketing. While both are crucial, emphasizing benefits in your marketing copy is typically the best approach as they are what ultimately drives sales.

Both terms are useful and give customers important information they’ll need during their buyer’s journey, such as design, price, and real-world relevance. However, ultimately, highlighting the product benefits is the key to making successful marketing copy. Show customers the transformation they’ll experience after purchasing your product or service! 

Explain what life will look like once the item is in their hands. This conveys more than merely describing its features or price. By putting the focus on what the customer will gain, you make it easier for them to make a purchasing decision. When leveraging features, be sure to clearly explain to them how it benefits them. This assuredness will make for a more successful buyer’s journey and therefore more success for your business! 

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 How to Tell When to Use Features or Benefits

When it comes to determining whether to use features or benefits in your messaging, ASK YOURSELF: How saturated is your market? 

If your product or service is competing with countless others, unique features can set you apart. But if your product or service exists in a niche market, emphasize the benefits it provides. Being able to understand and leverage both techniques effectively is the key to a successful content marketing strategy. PRO-TIP: To resonate with a new audience, focus on the benefits in demos, ebooks, and other marketing content that expands beyond the traditional. This will help get the attention of an audience who may be unfamiliar with your product or service. 

Applying Benefits and Features to Your Marketing Strategy

Determine WHAT and HOW you want to deliver your message. Ask yourself: “Does this ad discuss the features or benefits?” 

Knowing the difference between these two will ensure that your audience receives compelling and direct messaging that explains why they should choose YOU over your competitors. When crafting marketing copy, it’s crucial to clearly convey whether you’re emphasizing features or benefits to avoid confusing your audience. 

By understanding the difference and strategically using both in your marketing strategy, you can create compelling and effective content that drives sales. If you’re looking for help creating content that converts, contact Ignite XDS, our team of marketing experts are here to help your business grow!

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Ignite XDS

Ignite XDS practices a form of operational marketing whereby we believe every facet of your business has an effect on the customer experience your company delivers. We recognize that marketing cannot be conducted in a silo, but rather requires a holistic approach that is woven throughout the organization.